CHHAPS is pleased to announce that we will be participating in multiple live events and once again offering our very popular CHHAPS Challenge “100 Hours in 100 Days” virtual event in 2024. From the CHHAPS inaugural show at in Gibsons BC in 2003, and over the next 17 years, CHHAPS has hosted or sponsored more than 30 Canadian Horse shows and exhibitions at major venues in British Columbia and the United States, exposing Canadian Horses
CHHAPS Calendar update
Unfortunately, CHHAPS will not be publishing their very popular calendar for 2024. Due to increasing costs and declining sales the organization has lost money on them for the past couple years. Accordingly, we have had to put them on hiatus while we assess whether or not there is enough interest in them, and if so, if there is some means of creating them more cost effectively. If you enjoyed these calendars and want to see them
21st CHHAPS Annual General Meeting
Oct 22, 2023 marked the 21st Annual General Meeting since CHHAPS inception in 2002. At this meeting, we were sorry to say goodbye to several long serving board members: Lisa Galanov, and Suzie Barrio, and to welcome several new members: Malena Laylin as our new treasurer, as well as Dawn Sparks and Marlene McCabe as new Directors at Large (DOL). Also welcomed back is Mary Ann Eckart as a DOL, Ken Morris as new Chair, and
Announcing our new website!
As of June 2023, we have unveiled our new website! We hope you find it visually appealing and easy to navigate. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please use our Contact form to share your thoughts.
CHHAPS & the Canadian Horse Rescue
The Canadian Horse Rescue and Re-homing Society Pictured: Board members (L-R) Alex Bayer, Deirdre Pickerell, Sarah Lindsay along with Pineview Lou-II Sadie and her foal Ironhawk Nickels Iolani (reg pending) aka Hawk. Sadie was rescued by the Society in 2018 then adopted by Sarah. Read this miraculous story of survival. We are incredibly grateful to the CHHAPS Board and its members for the generous donation of funds raised through the CHHAPS Challenge: 100 hours in 100
Microchip Info
CANADIAN HORSE MICRO CHIPS Until the end of 2005, the CHBA utilized ID microchips containing a series of 10 different numbers and letters. These are special FDX-A chips that are not able to be read by all scanners, so for those of you with older horses, the typical scanner that either you or your vet may own, may not be able to read this type of chip. It has been our experience that some vet clinics
2022 Calendars headed to the printing press
Please check back soon
2021 CHHAPS Grant
Have you ever thought about taking your Canadian Horse to Spruce Meadows, or doing a clinic with a well known and respected clinician like Francois Bergeron? Do you plan to appear at a high profile or world class venue where you can show the world what the Canadian Horse can do? Where you can do breed education, and help to do your part to preserve our beloved breed in the process?Do you have you plans for
100 Hours in 100 Days Virtual Challenge
July 1- October 11, 2021 The Canadian Horse Heritage & Preservation Society is pleased to host the “100 Hours in 100 Days" virtual challenge! The challenge begins on Canada Day and continues until Canadian Thanksgiving. Horse owners from Canada and the USA are invited to participate with horses of any breed, age or discipline. Whether you have a seasoned senior or young horse in-hand, enjoy this dedicated time to strengthen your skills and the partnership with