Sneak preview of display and poster created by Christiane for Maryland Horse Expo

The Canadian Horse Heritage & Preservation Society is proud to have a member from Herndon, VA organizing and staffing a booth at the Maryland Horse World Expo in Timonium, MD from January 22-24, 2016! Thanks to Christiane Ferland, there will be a Canadian Horse booth sponsored by CHHAPS to help introduce and promote Le Cheval Canadien to horse enthusiasts attending the Expo. Thanks to CHHAPS members, this will be the third U.S. Equine expo to feature this endangered heritage breed in the past eleven months.

Last year marked the 350th anniversary of the arrival of the ancestors of today’s Canadian Horse on North American soil. The original horses were sent to the French colonies in Quebec by King Louis XIV of France in 1665, and are thought to be of Breton, Norman and Belgian ancestry. For more information, visit Cherry Creek Canadians’ detailed history page or the CHHAPS website history page.

DNA testing at A&M University in Texas confirmed the Canadian Horse’s contribution to almost all North American horse breeds. Sadly, the breed is on the Livestock Conservancy’s critically endangered list. CHHAPS members are working to gain more recognition for the breed and help boost the number of registered Canadian Horses so it survives for future generations of horse enthusiasts to appreciate and enjoy.

If you’re in the area, please be sure to look for Christiane and her Canadian Horse, Kalumet, at the Maryland Horse Expo!

Christiane and Kalumet enjoying a winter ride

Christiane and Kalumet at Pimlico


Canadian Horses at Equine Affaire
Breeding The Canadian Horse by Sandra Rowe