Now fans of the Canadian Horse breed have something else to celebrate in 2015, in addition to the breed’s 350th anniversary:  the Canadian Horse will be at the Equine Affaire in Springfield, Massachusetts this November!


Thanks to New England members Liz Piacentini and Melissa Larsen, CHHAPS will have a booth in the Breed Pavilion to tell the expected thousands of visitors to the Equine Affaire how versatile and how generally just wonderful Canadian Horses are. Not only are Liz and Melissa organizing a booth, they are also putting together a breed demo so that visitors can see a variety of Canadian Horses in action. Other CHHAPS members from nearby states are now stepping up to participate as well.

Although the event is just an hour and a half from Boston, this is a great opportunity to reach horse aficionados from up and down the entire east coast. The Equine Affaire runs from November 12 to 15 and is attended by tens of thousands of visitors from all over the U.S. and Canada. Publicity such as this is invaluable to an endangered breed like the Canadian Horse.

CHHAPS may only have a few members in New England right now, but we’re hoping that this is the start of an active and enthusiastic New England group, similar to the Pacific Northwest members who get together throughout the year for fun and educational events, as well as to put on an annual demo at the North West Horse Fair in Albany, Oregon in March. If you live in New England, love Canadian Horses, and want to get involved, please visit our membership page.

Canadian Horses at the 2015 NW Horse Fair in Oregon

Because CHHAPS is a relatively small non-profit organization with a correspondingly small budget, we are unable to finance more than a portion of the booth’s cost. If any Canadian Horse fans reading this would like to contribute toward the cost of the booth at the Equine Affaire, there are two ways you can do so. One is to join CHHAPS. An annual membership is only $35, and it’s from our membership fees that we’re able to cover the costs of promoting the Canadian Horse at fairs and online. Some smaller fairs provide complimentary booth space, but larger events like these charge several hundred dollars for even a small booth. Equine Affaire will be the third major horse fair that we’ve purchased space at in 2015.

Another way to contribute, as several individual CHHAPS members are already doing, is to use the “DONATE” button below. As the saying goes, “many hands make light work”. Similarly, many small donations can add up to significant financial help. Any and every amount donated in this way will go toward paying for the booth, shipping display items, and possibly Canadian Horse calendars or historical costumes for the demo, creating an attractive and informative display, and the printing and/or shipping of promotional handouts like the CHHAPS rack cards.

As usual, any members of the Canadian Horse Heritage & Preservation Society with horses for sale or stallions at stud are welcome to provide sales material and business cards to be displayed and/or handed out at the booth. Breeders or individuals with Canadian Horses for sale or stallions at stud who are not CHHAPS members but would like to provide sales literature and/or business cards to be made available to visitors at the booth are welcome to become Booth Sponsors for a contribution of $50.

You can donate in either US or Canadian funds. Anyone making a donation of $25 or more who would like their name and/or farm name mentioned in online and print acknowledgements, or if you are donating $50 or more and want to be a Booth Sponsor, please fill out the form below to provide your contact details.

If you’re in New England, make sure you watch the demo and visit the CHHAPS booth at the Equine Affaire!

Donations are now closed!

Thank you!

Canadian Horse Breed in Crisis: What Can We do About it?
"Canadian Horse Extravaganza" at The Fair at the PNE - Wednesday, August 26th only!